2 May
Trip to Copacabana after crossing the border to Bolivia
バスはペルー側の国境の町Yungayo行き。ペルーの出国手続きの後、歩いて国境の門をくぐり、ボリビア側国境のCasaniで入国手続き。ここで乗り合いワゴン車に乗り、コパカバーナへ。ペルー側のアスファルト舗装に対し、ボリビア側は未舗装の土ぼこり。しかし、ボリビアは、物価が安く、治安も良好。近年、ペルーから強盗等が入り込んでいるとも聞いたので要注意ではあるが。Hotel Ambassador泊。50ボリビアーノ。
My bus stopped at Yungayo immediately before the border. After stopping at the Peruvian Immigration Office, I crossed the border on foot. At Casani beyond the border, I stopped at the Bolivian Immigration Office. Soon a minibus started for Copacabana on a dusty unpaved road whichi was a contrast to the paved Peruvian road. But things were cheap in Bolivia. Also, Bolivia was generally secure, although it was said that robbery cases were incresing due to the inflow of robbers from Peru. Accommodation at Hotel Ambassador at 50 Bolivianos.

The end of the bus services is in front
of the Peruvian Immigration Office.

After immigration procesures in Peru, we walk
cross the border gate.

After the border gate, there is a Bolivian
Immigration Office in your our left (the small
building in the center of the photo).

The long distance buses of Bolivia.
(Copacabana is covered by a mini bus.)

It happned to be a carnical day in Copacabana.

Cerro Calvarioの丘の上から町を町を見下ろす。
From the top of Cerro Calvario hill.

Cerro Calvarioで。

Cerro Calvario頂上
At the top of the Cerro Calvario hill.

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