Cuzco, Machpichu, Lake Titicaca (Isla de Taquile, Isla del Sol, Copacabana),

Sorata, La Paz

May 1998

ポイント Points

役に立った書籍等 Useful books and information sources

注意点 Caution


1日目 4月24日
24 April
From Narita to Washington, DC
全日空のマイレージを使い、以前暮らしたワシントンDCへ。宿は、かつて暮らしたアーリントン州Ballstonに泊まりたくて、駅から歩いて行けるモーターハウスのComfort Inn Ballstonに。今回の旅行で格段に高い税込み約80ドル。それでもDC地区ではかなり安い。
夜は、旧知の人たちと、かつてのBallstonの住まいのすぐ近くにあり、DC地区一番人気のTex-MexレストランRio Grandeへ(カリフォルニアにいた友人によると、ラテン系の多いカリフォルニアの標準からするととるに足らないレストランとのことだが。)

With a reward ticket for my All Nippon Airlines mileage, the first destination was the DC area. The accommodation had been reserved at Comfort Inn Ballston because I wanted to stay in the area where I used to live. The rate was approximately USD 80, which was extremely expensive for this trip, althought that rate is quite reasonable in the DC area.
I bought many books in the field of international realtions, which could be easbily found in the US capital. The books were kept by Comfort Inn people until I came back on my way back to Japan.
Dinner was taken with my old friends at Rio Grande which is the most popular Tex-Mex restaurant in the DC area, although a friend of mine who graduated from Stanford found it nothing special according to the Californian standard.
2日目 4月25日
25 April
An evening flight was taken to New York from which a flight was taken to Miami from which my flight to Cuzco via Lima would in turn depart.
昼は、前夜来られなかった友人と、DC地区一番人気のベトナム麺Pho 75(メトロ・オレンジラインのRoslyneとCourthouseの間。

Lunch was taken at Pho 75, which is the most popular Vietnamese noodle restaurant in the DC area, with aonther old friend who was not able to come previous evening.
With another reward ticket from the American Airlines, I started for Cuzco in the evening. The opne jaw ticket allowed my retuern flight to start at La Paz.
3日目 4月26日
26 April
Arrival at Cuzco via Lima
珍しく、Lonely Planetになく、「地球の歩き方」にある宿Tu Hogarの対費用効果が高いことに気付く。1泊10ドル。クスコ市内見学。宿の仲介で、翌日のクスコ行観光列車を予約。

I much rely on Lonely Planet for my trips. However, so long as the accommodations in Cuzco were concerned, Chikyu no Arukikata (published in Japan in the Japanese language) gave more information. This Japanese travel guide book, which the Japanese young backpackers I met in Cuzco had, illustrated that Tu Hogar was qute cost-effective.
The day was spent for walking the city of Cuzco.
With assistance of Tu Hogar, reservation of a tourist train for the following day could be made.
4日目 4月27日
27 April
Return trip to Machupichu

The tourist train started the railway station at 6. To come back to Cuzco, I took an ordinary train after taking a hot spring (Aguas Calientes) on the foot hill of Machupichu.
5日目 4月28日
28 April
Sacsayhuaman, Pisac

Visit to Sacsayhuaman on foot. in the morning.
Return trip to Pisac by bus in the afternoon.
6日目 4月29日
29 April
To Puno by train
切符は予約無しで当日買うことができ、クスコ発8:00、プーノ着18:15。目星をつけておいたEl Buho泊(30ドル)
The train ticket was available on the day for departure at 8:00 from Cuzco and arrival at 18:15 at Puno. Hotel El Buho in Puno at USD 30.
7日目 4月30日
30 April
To Isla Taquile via Uros by boat
Departure at 8:30 from Puno. In Isla Taquile, villagers who live on the hills provide accommodation to visitors at their homes. A visitor center above the port on the hill assigns such accommodations.
A round trip in the island was made.
8日目 5月1日
1 May
After lunch, return trip to Puno.
再びEl Buho泊。宿に行こうと拾ったタクシーは、一昨日と同じ運転手だった。
A woman with a baby wanted me to buy some of her many sweaters at the port of Puno in the dust on my arraival from Taquile. Although I did not buy anything with many days left, I bought one at approximately 700 or 800 Yen only without any bargaining. Accommodation at El Buho again.
9日目 5月2日
2 May
Trip to Copacabana after crossing the border to Bolivia
バスはペルー側の国境の町Yungayo行き。ペルーの出国手続きの後、歩いて国境の門をくぐり、ボリビア側国境のCasaniで入国手続き。ここで乗り合いワゴン車に乗り、コパカバーナへ。ペルー側のアスファルト舗装に対し、ボリビア側は未舗装の土ぼこり。しかし、ボリビアは、物価が安く、治安も良好。近年、ペルーから強盗等が入り込んでいるとも聞いたので要注意ではあるが。Hotel Ambassador泊。50ボリビアーノ。
My bus stopped at Yungayo immediately before the border. After stopping at the Peruvian Immigration Office, I crossed the border on foot. At Casani beyond the border, I stopped at the Bolivian Immigration Office. Soon a minibus started for Copacabana on a dusty unpaved road whichi was a contrast to the paved Peruvian road. But things were cheap in Bolivia. Also, Bolivia was generally secure, although it was said that robbery cases were incresing due to the inflow of robbers from Peru. Accommodation at Hotel Ambassador at 50 Bolivianos.
10日目 5月3日
3 May
Isla del Sol往復。
Return trip to Isla del Sol
桟橋を8:15発の船に乗り、Isla del Sol北部に到着。同島を徒歩で巡り、同島南部発16:00の船でコパカバーナに戻る。
By an 8:15 boat, I landed at a northern place of the Island. After a long round trip in the Island on foot, I took a boat at 16:00 for Copacabana.
11日目 5月4日
4 May
A trip to Sorata in the Amazonian side of the Andes via Huarina
ソラタでは、中庭を囲んだこぎれいな部屋に電気温水器もついたHotel el Paraiso泊。30ボリビアーノ。この宿の唯一の欠点は、朝が遅いこと。出発の日には、たたき起こして門の鍵を開けてもらうのに苦労。
My bus for La Paz departed Copacabana at 7:00. It crossed a channel in Lake Titicaca on a small ferry boat on the way at Tiqunan. At Huarina, I took a bus for Soratra coming from La Paz. On the way, at Achacachi, we must stop at a military police check point with a passport. Because I did not understand Spanish, I requested help to a Europen youth for the procedure. The Andean mountains were beautiful on the way.
Accommodation in Sorata was at Hotel el Paraiso at 30 Bolivianos. It is a comfortable hotel with spacious rooms around a courtyard and with hot water. One problem with this hotel was that they get up very late in the morning. It took time to wake them up to have them open the gate on my departure day.
Although the twon of Sora itself is small, may people come from villages for shopping etc. A restaurant upstairs in the main market may be recommended. Although one or two shops may exchange US dollar, the exchange rate is not at all good. Therefore visitors should change money before coming here.
12日目 5月5日
5 May
徒歩でSan Pedro洞窟往復。
A return trip to a cave in San Pedro
San Pedro洞窟は、管理している村人が現れて、鍵を開けてくれる。有料。
Sorata is in fog in the morning.
On the way to San Pedro, the Andes was beautiful. However, the scattered small communities did not have roads but steep and long footpaths only. Even if a village can be accessible via road, Landcruiser trucks were the only public transport.
A villager in charge came to open the door to the cave with a small fee at San Pedro.
13日目 5月6日
6 May
Day trip to Lackathiya in vain
I learned that I had walked to Lackathia in vain as I walked on a wrong trail. Therefore I gave up the day trip to the village.
A road on the slope, which had been constructed with Japanese aid according to a villatger, was left behind after its destruction by heavy rain.
14日目 5月7日
7 May
Reading all day. But I bought a kind of "furoshiki" (cloth for wrapping and carrying) used by local people for souvenir. For my colleagues, I bought a few pieces of cheese. According to some sources, it should have been tasty because fries liked it. But only a Mexican colleague liked it, while my Japanese colleagues and I found it too salty.
15日目 5月8日
8 May
To La Paz by bus
バスはソラタ発9:00。ラパスではHotel Milton泊。20ドル。
Departure at 9:00. Accommodation at Hotel Milton at USD20 in La Paz.
16日目 5月9日
9 May
Depature from La Paz for Washington, DC, via Miami
ラパス発6:31、サンタクルス経由マイアミへ。乗り換えてワシントン・ナショナル空港へ。再び、Comfort Inn Ballston泊。預けておいた本のうち、ガイドブックはスタッフが読んで教養を高めていた。
The employee of the hotel did not wake up although I had told him of my departure time, and the hotel door was locked. But when I found a buzzer button immediately beyond the door which was actually a structure of crossed bars only, I could wake up the employee to catch a taxi, which was immediately available because may taxis were available on street in such an early morning.
Departure from the airport at 6:31 for Miami via Santa Cruz. Changing flights at Miami, I went back to Washington, DC at the National Airport, then to Comfort Inn, where I found that my books they had kept for me, particularly travel guidebooks, had been utilized to educate the employees.
The dinner in DC was taken with another old friend.
17日目 5月10日
10 May
From Dalles International Airpot to Narita by ANA
The combination of the Metro and a bus saved much money.
18日目 5月11日
11 May
Arrival at Narita
I found a hole in my back pack caused by a corner of a book.

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