27 Dec.
カストロ発15:30のバス(1日2本)でチロエ島西海岸唯一の村であるクカオへ。クカオ着18:00。バスが着くと、民宿の客引き。「Casa Blanca (白い家)です。」と、客引きが言うところに泊まることにする。着いてみると、確かに、外壁を白く塗った家で、そこは、Lautaro Beraさんの家だった。
By 15:30 bus (only two services a day), I moved to Cucao which is the only community in the west coast of the island. Arrival at Cucao at 18:00, where staff of the residents who provide lodging to visitors come to invite us to their lodgings. I have decided to stay at a family whose house was said to be "casa blanca" and actually found it painted in white on arrival there, which proved to be Mr. Lautaro Bera's home.

Even on the steep slopes near the coast
houses stand in Castro.

Bus ticket for Cucao. The road to Cucao is
not paved, is narrow and is sometime muddy.

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