17 May

From Erfoud to Gorge Dades (Ait Oudinar)



日本人が多く訪れるトドラ峡谷にも立ち寄ってみようと考えていたが、地図やガイドブックにある「Tinerhir」と道路の案内標識にあった「Tingher」とが同じものであることに気付かなかったため、峡谷への入り口のこの町を通過してしまい、ブマルン・ダーデスからダーデス峡谷に入る。その分かれ道のBoumaline Dadesのレストランで遅い昼食。

このAit Oudinarへの道は、川を渡るまで、舗装してあるとはいえ、穴だらけ、かつ1車線。その先はきれいに舗装された走りやすい道になる。谷底は、ほとんど植物のない山肌と対照的に、古くからの灌漑水路の整備により、緑が多い。

Auberge des Gorge du Dades = Hotel Ait Oudinar。朝食付100DH、夕食(サラダ、ハリア(干しぶどう、オリーブ、アーモンド、野菜多数)、果物)付160DH。タオル、せっけん、トイレ紙あり。床はタイル。建物、廊下、周囲等、きれい。塀で囲まれた駐車場が隣にある(見張り・扉は無いが、泥棒が出にくい田舎と感じる。油断禁物とは思うが。)。夕食も大変良く、対費用効果高い。

I first stopped at a factory-cum-shop of fossil stone products in the immediate west of Erfoud.

Because I took a staff member of my hostel to his home in Touroug, his father kindly took me to the casbah of the town. Because he used to work for a US miltary base, he spoke good English.

I had planned to stop at the Todora Gorge which was often introduced in Japanese travel guidebooks. However, I did not understand that "Tingher" in the road sign was same as "Thnerhir"in maps and guidebooks, I passed this entrance town to the Gorge. Therefore I decided to visite Dades Gorge in which I had been much more interested in because it was well introduced in the Lonely Planet and looked attractive. A late luch was taken at Boumalne Dades - the entrance to the Gorge.

Up to Ait Oudinar, the road was not only narrow but was really bad. It was paved but numerous potholes made it worse than unpaved. It was rather strange, after Ait Oudinar, the road was perfectly paved with no potholes and had two lanes. The bottom of the Gorge was cultivated with good irrigation systems, which was quite a contrast to the mountain slopes which hardly had vegetation.

I chose the Auberge des Gorge du Dades, which is called also Hotel Ait Oudinar, at DH 100 only with breakfast and with towel, soap and toilet paper and with clean tiled floor. The building itself, corridors, and many things were well desinged and clean. It had a fensed parking, althogh there was no door to the parking and no guards. The DH 160 dinner was also excellent with a salad, haria (spicy lentil soup) with raisin, olive, almond, vegetables and many others) and fruits. It was a quite cost-effective accommodation.

ダーデス峡谷 Gorges du Dades

「Lonely Planet」ではダーデス峡谷のことを詳しく紹介する一方、トドラ峡谷のことはほとんど紹介していない。対照的に、「地球の歩き方」では、トドラ峡谷のことを詳しく紹介する一方、ダーデス峡谷のことをほとんど紹介していない。おそらくそれが反映されて、トドラ峡谷は日本人の訪れる谷、ダーデス峡谷は欧米人の訪れる谷になっている。ダーデス峡谷に行って、「日本人は珍しい。日本人は、なぜトドラ峡谷ばかりに行って、ダーデス峡谷には来ないのか。」といろいろな人から言われた者として、以下、概況を紹介:

It is quite strange that the Gorges du Dades is not introduced in Japanese travel guidebooks. The Japanese guidebooks instead introduce the Gorges du Todra. As a result, the Todra Gorge has been a gorge the Japanese visit and the Dades Gorge a gorge the Euro-American-Australian visit.

(1)ダーデス峡谷の概要 An outline of the Dades Gorge





It is a long and deep gorge on the bottom of which wheat, vegetables, fruits, almond, etc. have been grown with well developed irrigation systems for a long time. Villages are located at a little highe places than the bottom. Athough the solar radiation is strong, the weather in May was quite comfortable thanks to the high altitude. The fertile cultivated land on the bottom of the Gorge, the greenery there, the streams, the dry and almost bare mountain slopes and houses made of soil are the combined beaut of the Gorge.

I saw no men working as in other places in Morocco with the exception of the limited number of those who were engaged in civil engineering work. But women were working hard in agriculture or walking with heavy fodder or agricultural products. But, while women in other places of this country avoided even eye contacts with men, women in this remote gorge expressed greetings to me.

As we go further toward the inner part of the Gorge, the mountains becomes higher and the gorge deeper. Up to the almost 20 kilometers from the entrance, there were many casbas. Also, the moutains and buildings were reddish. However, as the altitude increased, the color of the mountains and houses got lighter. This is probably not only due to the geology but also to the temperature.

As I go further, the road condition became better. For more than 20 kilometers from Boumalne Dades where I left the national highway up to Ait Oudinar where the road swithched from the right bank of the river to the left, the pavement had numerous potholes and had only one lane. In five kilometers after Ait Oudinar, when I had passed a steep slope where the road was in a zig-zag shape, the road now had two lanes with good pavements.

(2) ダーデス峡谷の足 Transport in the Dades Gorge


I used a rent-a-car. However, I frequently saw shared station-wagon taxis and mini buses. Therefore it seemed easy to travel in the Gorge with such public transport, even if such crowded vehicles may not be very comfortable.

(3) ダーデス峡谷で何をするか What to do in the Gorge


It is suitable to take a rest in leisure time with beatiful scenery, quietness, reasonable costs for the stay and comfortable climate in the rural setting. Some employ guides for trekking to higher lands where nomads live.

(4) 宿 Accommodations


私の泊まったのは、ブマルン・ダーデスから22キロの、ちょうど道路が川を渡る橋のたもとにあるオベルジュ・デ・ゴルジュ・ダーデスAuberge des Gorges Dades(地名をとって「ホテル・アイット・ウディナールHotel Ait Oudinar」とも称する。)。外観も中もとてもきれいだが、いつでもお湯の出るバスルーム付きシングルで、朝食付100DH、朝・夕食付160DHと格安。塀で囲われた駐車場も付帯。この駐車場に特に「番人」はなく、そのため番人料も取られないが、田舎なので、番人自体、不要と思であろう。


所在地: A 22 Km de Boumalne Dades
電話044.83.01.53 Fax:

There are many small accommodations along the road.

I stayed at Auberge des Gorges Dades which is also called Hotel Ait Oudinar in accordance with the name of the place in 22 kilometers from Boumalne Dades just next to the bridge crossing the river. The exterior is also good. But with bath room where hot water was always available the room rate was DH 100 only with breakfast (DH 160 with breakfast and dinner). It has a fenced parking, although this has no door or guard.

The dinner changes every day. On the day when I stayed, the main dish was tajine with meat, several kinds of vegetables, almond, raisen, olive, etc., which was the best of all the tajines I had in Morocco. The empolyee of the hotel and the guide attached to the Hotel looked happy and at last they started singing and dancing in playing drums. I saw some people from other hotels enjoying dinner at my Hotel.

The breakfast included common Moroccan bread, French bread and crepe.

The cost-effectiveness of this hotel with clean rooms and good meals was the best and exceptionally high among all the hotels I stayed in Morocco.

A 22 Km de Boumalne Dades
Phone: Fax:

Polished stone with so may fossils

A small table was being completed.

Raw stones

A raw stone is cut into many plates with this machine.

The road to Touroug. The smal mouds are made of the sand dug up from the undergraound water course.

The entrance to the casbah in Touroug.

Inside the casbah

The sky seen from the almost covered path.

The road to Tinerhir

Going down to Boumalne Dades

Going into the Gorege Dades

Auberge des Gorges Dades (Also called Hotel Ait Oudinar in accordance with the name of the place)

From the hotel roof.

The interior of the hotel (taken on the following morning)

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