Bosnia and Herzegovina

by train

March 2008

In Sarajevo (1)

Sarajevo in a valley along Milyacka River is a cosmopolitan city where people different directions came, and Catholic and Serb Orhodox Churches and Islamic mosques stand in the same area. Even during the last period of the former Yugoslavia, there were not only those who said that they were Muslim, Serb, Croat, etc. but also Yugoslavian. This has been especially common in Sarajevo. The people there think that they are Sarailija (people of Sarajevo). This makes Sarajevo a unique and attractrive place, although the war made it well known during the 1990s.

But be careful of pickpockets. My backpack was open by a woman and a man, although they could not find any valuables there. That kind of crimes are nwo rampant there.




The following book clarifies the critical fault of the view of "the crash of civilizations". Not only the human populations have diverse identities among different persons, but also each person himself/herself has diverse identities within himself/herself. Each person is not characterized by only identity of his/her religious belief or nationality but also by various identities such as profession, hobby, research subject, place of residence, and many others. Dividing people with one identity is a critical fault.
Amartya Sen, 2006: Identity and Violence: The Illusion of Destiny, 215 pp. Norton (Also available as a Penguin Book.同じ本がPenguin Booksとしても出ています。どちらの版も、アマゾンで送料が不要にならないほど安くなっています。)

He pointed it out also in the World "Civilization" Forum held at the United Nations University in Tokyo on 22 July 2005.
彼が同じことを指摘した2005年7月22日東京(国連大学)開催のWorld Civilization Forumでの彼の話。英語の音声に加え、日本語の同時通訳の声も聞けます。):

Map of Sarajevo サラエボ地図

Which identities the people of the former Yugoslavia had (1981)

「民族」 Identity 人口 Population % 言語 Language 宗教 Religion 文字 Character
セルビア人 Serb 8,140,452 36.3 セルビア語 Serb ギリシア正教 Orthodox キリル文字 Cyrillic
クロアチア人 Croatian 4,428,005 19.8 クロアチア語 Croatian カトリック Catholic ラテン文字 Latin
ムスリム人 Muslim 1,999,957 8.9 イスラム教 Islam
スロヴェニア人 Slovenian 1,753,354 7.8 スロヴェニア語 Slovenian カトリック Catholic ラテン文字 Latin
アルバニア人 Alabanian 1,730,364 7.7 アルバニア語 Albanian イスラム教 Islam
マケドニア人 Macedonian 1,339,729 6.0 マケドニア語 Macedonian ギリシア正教 Orthodox キリル文字 Cyrillic
ユーゴスラビア人 Yugoslaivan 1,219,045 5.4
モンテネグロ人 Montenegro 579,023 2.6 セルビア語 Serb ギリシア正教 Orthodox キリル文字 Cyrillic
ハンガリー人 Hungarian 426,866 1.9 ハンガリー語 Hangarian カトリック Catholic
ロマ人 Roma 168,099 0.8 ロマニー語 Romani
合計 22,424,711

Moslem became Islamic during the period when the area was governed by the Osman Turk. Hungarians live in the area ceded by Hungary which lost in the war in 1920. The Serb and Croatian languaes are almost the same and are called Serb-Croatian but used different characters.

高崎通浩、2002 「民族対立の世界地図: 欧州/北南米/アフリカ編」 311 pp. 中公新書ラクレ、pp. 163-165
TAKAHASHI Michihiro, 2002: Minzoku Tairitsu no Sekai Chizu (World Map of Ethnic Conflicts): Europe, Americas and Africa , 311 pp. Chuko Shinsho, pp. 163-165

Which identities the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina have (1991)

「民族」 Identity 人口 Population %
ムスリム人 Moslem 1,902,956 43.48
セルビア人 Serb 1,366,104 31.21
クロアチア人 Croatian 760,852 17.38
ユーゴスラビア人 Yugoslavian 142,682 5.54
ボスニア人 Bosnian 10,763
ヘルツェゴヴィナ人 Herzegovinan 467
ボシュニャク人 Bosnjaci 1,285
合計 4,377,033

齋藤厚、2001: 「ボスニア語」の形成、スラヴ研究 48号、pp. 113-137 (北海道大学スラヴ研究センター)
SAITO Atsushi, 2001: Formulation of Bosanski Jenik (Bosnian Language), Slavic Studies No. 48, pp. 113--137 (Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University)
Heclarifies that the Bosanski Jenik, which was formed in the mid-1990s with modifications to the Serb-Croatian in association with the new ethnic name of Bosnjaci in search of names of the group and language without showing the religion and ethnicity in the conflicts, has not been in use in his paper at:

Sarajevo train station
Arrival at Sarajevo Sarajevo top Old quarter Life and new quarter
Remnants of war Viena-Budapest-Sarajevo
-Zagreb-Baden top
The Planet
where we live
Ingredients of Life