14 May

From Meknes to Fes by train

10:34 メクネス駅発
Departure from Meknes train station
運賃は16.50 DH

I had been aware that there would be no train service until 10:34 if I had missed an early morning train. However, I had not imagined that the same would apply to bus services. When I gave up taking a bus, I spent time in an Internet cafe near the train station where DH 8 was the rate. However, the Windows 98 there was troublesome as elsewhere with this notorious O/S.
The train fare was DH 16.50.
11:15 フェズ着
Arrival at Fes
Hotel Batha。3星。プールあり。レストランもきれい。リゾート風。朝・夕食込420DH。今回泊まった中で最も高級なホテルだった。旧市街の中で、しかし入り口近くだからタクシーで行けるなど、立地もお勧め。

I cheked in at Hotel Batha with three stars with a swimming pool, a cozy restaurant, etc. at the rate of DH 420 with dinner and breakfast. It was like a resort hotel and definitely the most upmarket hotel of this trip. Located inside the medina but still accessible by taxi as its location to the entrance to the medina, the location was also quite convinient.
The shared taxi fare to the Hotel was DH 9.
However, most shops were closed on this holy day.
I was bothered by a guide persistently challenging me. It was a child who followed all the way, repeating, "No nedd for a guide fee! I just want to learn English!" although I persistently rejected his offer. Bothered by him, I was not able to enjoy what I had wanted to. At last I arrived at the center of the city without any substantial sightseeing. But without any fee, he never leaved me. We are always challenged.

Hotel Batha外観。
Hotel Batha from the street

Hotel Batha中庭。段の上にはプール。
Courtyard. On the terraced is a swimming poo.

Hotel Batha泊まった部屋
My room

Closed shops

Tajine lunch at a restaurant near the Hotel

Donkeys are important vehicles on the narrow streets in the medina.

Bab Bou Jeloud where the real medina starts

Medersa Attarine

Mosquee Karaouiyne

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